BALD o_0
That is who I am. It is a part of me to say the least. I have always known that when a woman decides to cut their hair it is an outward statement. My motive through the years has always been that. To get attention.
I can recall the first time that I cut my hair short. I felt like “a big girl”. My mother was the typical black American mom. You are your hair! I was never allowed to wear drastic hair do’s or extensions. Most of the time it was a pony tail. Just one. Wait… In kindergarten I wore a French braid to the back every day. To jazz it up every once in a while I was allowed to throw in a bang here and there. For the most part I was average. So, back to when I first cut my hair it was an experience to say the least. I can recall feeling free. That is the emotion that I get every time that I cut it. In description, it was the typical short in the front, tight curls, and tapered off back. I rocked it.
The young girl:
Fast forward to college. I had my dibble and dabble with the growing out process. For the most part I would grow it out, go through the ugly stage, and then cut it again. When I arrived to college I decided that I wanted to grow my hair out. I wore it in braids and what not to achieve this process. This is what all black girls do. It worked. I managed to grow my hair past the shoulder length without damaging it.
College Braids:
College Braids:
College Hair cut of course after I broke up with my boyfriend:
I was known for the most part throughout college as having short hair. Short hair is such a hassle to keep up with. Making sure that it is in place is such a drag. I rocked it though. People always told me that I had the head for it. Whatever that means. I think that it means my head is small, round, and proportional to my body. I hope. With short hair you have to make sure that you keep it relaxed, curled, and the kitchen is always on point. Now the KITCHEN is the hardest. Relaxers every two weeks on the kitchen and the edges is a must, otherwise you look a mess. No one wants to walk around with the short do and the side and kitchen is untamed.
I wore braids when I was confused:
For the most part when you are trying to grow your hair out we all go through the “in between stage”. This is also known as the ugly stage. This is when your hair isn’t short enough to be technically considered short, but it is for sure not long enough to wear it flat ironed. I think that ever girl dreads this state.
My Fro:
After I decided that I wanted locs, I went to the barber shop and chopped it all off. It was such a relief. I was so excited for my new journey. The year was 2006. I had just graduated from college and I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. I was mostly having fun, but the pressures of adulthood stalked me. It was time for a major change. Hence, the cutting of the hair. I can say that wearing the fro had its challenges. Shortly after I was hired by State Farm. Going into the corporate world was something that I was very unfamiliar with. It was quite a bit scary. I didn’t know how people were going to take me.
My Locs:

I was in love with these locs. For many years I wanted locs. When I saw pictures of Lauryn Hill and India Arie I saw myself. I wasn’t confident enough when I was a teenager. Now was the time. I had just graduated from college. Everyone feels a boost of confidence once they earn a degree right? When I wore my locs I made sure that everyone called them “locs”. I corrected many people who referred to them as dreads. I did this because I never “dreaded” my hair. The synonym of dread is to hate or despise. I simply stated that I wore my hair in locs. No more explanation necessary. Either you understood it or you did not. Then one day I was tired of them. It was that simple. I wanted something different.
The Mohawk:
This is the current look that I rock: NO HAIR
Now do not misunderstand this hair cut. This isn’t some style that I am wearing the scream, “Look at me!!!” It is more of a self assuring look. I would like to note in the words of Lil Wayne, “Confidence is a stain that can’t be wiped off”. That is exactly how I feel with this look. I feel like I am on top of the world. Not only do I feel confident, I also feel BEAUTIFUL. I for the first time have no choice but to love my face. It is an amazing feeling to walk out the door and know that the attention is drawn directly to my face. Remarkable. Now, I am not sure how long this style will last. I do know that for sure…the CONFIDENCE is here forever!
You already had the hair timeline!
ReplyDeleteThe power of words and meanings is amazing. "Dreads" brings a sense of self hatred or negativity--"locs" has a strength to it. I had a lot of hair issues myself growing up (too scared to change much except highlights once) and I liked how you didn't make it seem like your hair was "Black girl hair" etc etc you wrote from experience as "being a black woman" dealing with your mane. I think many women can relate to how hair in our society is seen and what the significance is of cutting it off.
i love the new woman that you have become and i definitly feel you on the hair timeline because I've cut my hair sooooooo many times only to go through the ugly stages and let it grow back getting braids and then i repeat the vicious hair cycle all over again......I'm in the ugly stage now can u imagine??????? i just bet that you can lol
ReplyDeleteChristina we will forever go through these stages!