Wednesday, March 23, 2011


How can you you effectively introduce another person in your bedroom? Is it possible... A lot of people play around with this idea. Whether it is just talk or used as an aide to spice up your bedroom. Anyway that it goes it is playing with fire.

I can personally name a couple of people who have been effected by this topic. I won't name any names though. In both of the situations both couples were happy. I think that is one of the reasons that they were so comfortable bringing up the topic. In essence, they decided to bring another person who they "trusted" in their bedroom. The act was fun. Even a little afterwards. The trouble begins in one situation when the person was too involved. Catch my drift? We will call this scenario 1.

Scenario 1: So if you are in the middle of the act and you find that your partner is moving a little to good, working those hips too well, and moaning the same way that they moan for you get jealous? This is exactly what happened. The jealous person couldn't take it. The bigger question that I have is to MEN. Why would you introduce another woman into your bedroom.More like a statement. A woman know and can feel exactly what another woman wants. The huge shocker was when his wife ate the mistress out. All hell broke loose. The wife was only doing what she thought that her husband wanted. It is the ultimate fantasy that turns wrong. Needless to say, her curiosity was captured. Once an eater...always an eater.

Scenario 2: This one is a juicy one also. So, two women who have been in a fully committed relationship decide to bring in one of the girls ex girlfriends. The act again was fun. So fun that they invited her back for more. This went on for quite some time. I think you can guess the outcome if you think hard enough... Yes, the ex girlfriend stole the new girlfriend. They actually started sleeping with each other behind the other girls back. All too common in the lesbian community.

Back to the original question. How can you you effectively introduce another person in your bedroom? I think that it can be done. Don't get me wrong. I think that there has to be complete open communication from jump. There shouldn't be any question unanswered or asked. I also think that before you perform the act clear lines should be drawn on what both partners are comfortable with.

What are your thoughts?


  1. I think about the issue of introducing a third (or more) partners into the bedroom by distinguishing between different types of intimacy. I think between partners there develops a very personal intimacy which I don't think I need to explain...but it is an intimacy about knowing your partner's needs, desires, and faults, etc. But, I also think there is an impersonal intimacy that exists between anonymous sexual partners - assuming the hookup is ethical and consensual which is also necessary for relationships. I think adding a 3rd (or more) requires attention to this different form of intimacy because it is not about getting "personal" or "knowing" the additional persons, but experiencing particular bodily pleasures that cannot be experienced with just two people. I would contend that the inattention and lack of language around the "impersonal" is part of the bigger issue of when 3-ways go "wrong" because of the competing "intimacies" that emerge in such a dynamic.

  2. A Queer Lense,

    YES! I totally agree. I love the way that you detailed the "different types of intimacy".
