Can you be Gay for Pay? Can you actively participate in Gay porn and then consider yourself heterosexual...
XOXO Honey Bii
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Dear Honey Bii, Day 8
Dear Honey Bii, Day 8,
This letter is a lot a bit late. My apologies Honey Bii followers.
To Do List
#1. Revise Resume
#2. Write out wish list
#3. Pack apartment
#4. Send graduation announcements
I don’t like change. I don’t like self-adulation. I don’t like not knowing. I don’t like goodbyes. Revising my resume, writing a wish list, packing my apartment, and sending graduation announcements is basically asking me to do all the things I don’t like to do. Therefore I dragged my FAWKING Rockstar butt on these tasks. As a matter of fact a completed the tasks in my mind two weeks ago and was going to write about my mental experience. But decided against this, as it wouldn’t be right to lie threw my teeth.
#1. So at last my resume is revised. I’ve applied to five companies. And what do you know I have received one phone interview scheduled for next week #winning.
#2. I completed my wish list and here it is.
1. I plan on so much FAWKING rockstar traveling it would be absolutely ridiculous to pay a full month‘s rent to store my things. (Miami, LA, New York, DC, & Texas here I come)
2. I need a break from responsibility. My life is so tight wound that I have to schedule bone a week or two in advance (I’m not kidding and this fact is not cute).
3. I am preparing my bank account for the monthly $1500 invest –in-myself- withdrawal also know as my student loan payment. Yes folks, I am a first-generation, private school educated, two –degree having mortgage payment owing FAWKING Rockstar!!!!!! While I prepare my checking account for this withdrawal, I feel good knowing that my only bill for the next three months is my $75.00 sprint bill. Yes folks no credit card debt because I learned something in my eight years of training, that is: credit cards = slavery i.e not Free Flowers.
#4. Last but certainly not least send my graduation announcements to friends and family. There is nothing more nerve-racking for me than preparing a celebration for myself. This might have something to do with the fact that the last time I did, Honey Bii went ape shit and ruined my party (yeah I just did that) but more likely it's because I never learned how to celebrate my excellent. Something about it makes me feel guilty. However I am realizing that I deserve this celebration. This is a huge feat for both me and my family and it is worth all the tigers-jumping-through-rings-of-fire that I can produce. With that being said announcements are out, hotels are booked, parties are confirmed and the guest list in mounting. Thanks guys for your love and support on this one I seriously couldn’t have done it without you.
I’m getting my Masters!!!!! Tink tink tink boom pow … whoooooooa lawd this is incredible!
This letter is a lot a bit late. My apologies Honey Bii followers.
To Do List
I don’t like change. I don’t like self-adulation. I don’t like not knowing. I don’t like goodbyes. Revising my resume, writing a wish list, packing my apartment, and sending graduation announcements is basically asking me to do all the things I don’t like to do. Therefore I dragged my FAWKING Rockstar butt on these tasks. As a matter of fact a completed the tasks in my mind two weeks ago and was going to write about my mental experience. But decided against this, as it wouldn’t be right to lie threw my teeth.
#1. So at last my resume is revised. I’ve applied to five companies. And what do you know I have received one phone interview scheduled for next week #winning.
#2. I completed my wish list and here it is.
1. Creed Love-In-White perfume at This symbolic whipper snapper is so fawking scary I think I wet myself just a little every time I put something in a box. I mean I can’t stand the fear that suffocates me while I pack my apartment. I looooooooooooooooooooooove this apartment and by looooooooooooooooooove, I mean looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove this apartment. It is a super chic, vintage –charmed home that gave me refuge, comfort, and joy. But now I am moving. Where? I have know idea. Being the free spirit that I am I decided to take an intermission on life’s responsibility and couch surf for the summer. I made this decision for several reasons:
2. Aphrochic : (2) Brookyln Life Outdoor pillows, (2) Park Slope pillows, and /or Booklynn Life Shower curtain at
3. Sex and the City Complete Collection (Deluxe Edition)
4. A seven day six night all expenses paid trip to Miami!
5. A Mac laptop
6. 4 dozen roses delivered to my front door
7. A great pair of running shoes
8. Rebel Flower perfume by Rihanna
9. 6 beautiful bracelet
10. An aloe plant
1. I plan on so much FAWKING rockstar traveling it would be absolutely ridiculous to pay a full month‘s rent to store my things. (Miami, LA, New York, DC, & Texas here I come)
2. I need a break from responsibility. My life is so tight wound that I have to schedule bone a week or two in advance (I’m not kidding and this fact is not cute).
3. I am preparing my bank account for the monthly $1500 invest –in-myself- withdrawal also know as my student loan payment. Yes folks, I am a first-generation, private school educated, two –degree having mortgage payment owing FAWKING Rockstar!!!!!! While I prepare my checking account for this withdrawal, I feel good knowing that my only bill for the next three months is my $75.00 sprint bill. Yes folks no credit card debt because I learned something in my eight years of training, that is: credit cards = slavery i.e not Free Flowers.
#4. Last but certainly not least send my graduation announcements to friends and family. There is nothing more nerve-racking for me than preparing a celebration for myself. This might have something to do with the fact that the last time I did, Honey Bii went ape shit and ruined my party (yeah I just did that) but more likely it's because I never learned how to celebrate my excellent. Something about it makes me feel guilty. However I am realizing that I deserve this celebration. This is a huge feat for both me and my family and it is worth all the tigers-jumping-through-rings-of-fire that I can produce. With that being said announcements are out, hotels are booked, parties are confirmed and the guest list in mounting. Thanks guys for your love and support on this one I seriously couldn’t have done it without you.
I’m getting my Masters!!!!! Tink tink tink boom pow … whoooooooa lawd this is incredible!
Honey Bii Experiment
My Mother Know's I am Gay
One on one interview with my mother about my sexuality and her unconditional love for me!. Please feel free to share this with anyone who is struggling with their sexuality or a parent that needs to learn how to be supportive.
XOXO Honey Bii
XOXO Honey Bii
Honey Bii Interviews,
Monday, April 25, 2011
Inbox Questions from Bii-Lievers: I'm Almost 30
Dear Honey Bii,
I was fine not being in a relationship. Cut to 2011 and finding myself pushing real hard up on 30. I'm content. But there is this quiet sense of urgency now that wasn't there when I was 25. Along with that urgency suddenly came a desire, no, more like craving, to be in a real live, grown-up, we-ain't-got-to-make-babies-but-we-still-can-make-plans relationship. So here I am, doing things like moving my bed away from the wall and putting stands at both sides so I'm sending out an energy that indicates I am looking for a relationship (it's a feng shui thing I think). And I'm also being more social so that I'm meeting more people and more people are meeting me. [Any advice you can give about getting a date would be appreciated too] But it all still feels so new to me. Along comes, I'll call him Jason. Jason is a 25 year old, super-fine and fun-loving Cuban dude I met at a friend's anniversary party recently. We hung out at the party and just had a good time. After some 'dranks' we started feeling ourselves which led to feeling each other. We didn't have sex but we did wake up next to each other. We made plans to make plans and have met up a few times since to finish what we started. We've been very clear that we are not looking for anything serious from each other and have been successful in respecting that. I enjoy the fun of it but now I'm beginning to wonder if I should be worried that engaging in this type of behavior is bad for the "relationship energy" I'm trying to give off. Much like the song with a similar title, I think that guys just wanna have fun too. But is having fun with him keeping me from having a relationship with someone else? Although I am very confident that I would not hesitate to stop messing around with this dude if a potential relationship came along should I be worried this is minimizing that opportunity? I'm trying to tap into my instinct about this situation but that seems to be telling me conflicting advice; I mean, with a dude this fine, it's difficult to tell which is speaking, the heart or the hard-on. Help.
XOXO Honey Bii
I was fine not being in a relationship. Cut to 2011 and finding myself pushing real hard up on 30. I'm content. But there is this quiet sense of urgency now that wasn't there when I was 25. Along with that urgency suddenly came a desire, no, more like craving, to be in a real live, grown-up, we-ain't-got-to-make-babies-but-we-still-can-make-plans relationship. So here I am, doing things like moving my bed away from the wall and putting stands at both sides so I'm sending out an energy that indicates I am looking for a relationship (it's a feng shui thing I think). And I'm also being more social so that I'm meeting more people and more people are meeting me. [Any advice you can give about getting a date would be appreciated too] But it all still feels so new to me. Along comes, I'll call him Jason. Jason is a 25 year old, super-fine and fun-loving Cuban dude I met at a friend's anniversary party recently. We hung out at the party and just had a good time. After some 'dranks' we started feeling ourselves which led to feeling each other. We didn't have sex but we did wake up next to each other. We made plans to make plans and have met up a few times since to finish what we started. We've been very clear that we are not looking for anything serious from each other and have been successful in respecting that. I enjoy the fun of it but now I'm beginning to wonder if I should be worried that engaging in this type of behavior is bad for the "relationship energy" I'm trying to give off. Much like the song with a similar title, I think that guys just wanna have fun too. But is having fun with him keeping me from having a relationship with someone else? Although I am very confident that I would not hesitate to stop messing around with this dude if a potential relationship came along should I be worried this is minimizing that opportunity? I'm trying to tap into my instinct about this situation but that seems to be telling me conflicting advice; I mean, with a dude this fine, it's difficult to tell which is speaking, the heart or the hard-on. Help.
XOXO Honey Bii
Advice From Honey Bii,
Inbox Answers,
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
I Want To Be A Soft Stud
Letter from a Bii-Liever
So, I would like to ask your opinion. I am 26, I have my degree and have traveled the world. I have never been in a relationship before and I am starting to come out of my shell. I have a couple of friends who are lesbians and over the past couple of months I have been hanging with them a lot. I have even met other girls through them who I hang out with outside of my core group of friends. Anyways, I am attracted to women, I always have been, but I cant seem to put myself out there. There's this one girl who is really popular amongst the gay community and we have talked on and off a couple of times and I asked her is she wanted to go out and she eagerly agreed, that was a couple of weeks ago and we still have not gone out and I just cant seem to get it together. And I'll see all these attractive women and we may exchange eye contact but Ill never approach them. I guess I should say that I would be more of the dominant one. I don't like classifications but if I had to classify myself it would be a soft stud, but not a tennis shoe and t shirt type, I'm a chino pants, loafers, fedora and a Ralph Lauren rugby cardigan and some fly ass Ralph Lauren shades type of chic lol. Okay back to it, I feel like everyone here knows everybody and I'm a low-key person, completely drama free and I do not want anyone in my business, which is why I think I haven't gone out with this girl. And when I meet other women out, its at a popular gay club where I live and to me its just too messy. I don't know if I'm being to particular or over thinking the situation, and I want to make a move but something in me is holding me back and all of my friends are telling me to just go for it. I don't know what to do or what I'm afraid of...I also have not talked to my family or other friends about this other life I live and I'm a very honest person and so I feel like I live a double and I hate it. I feel like I'm keeping secrets, but at the same time since I have not done anything with a female, I feel like there's nothing to tell....I mean what if I don't like it and its not for me, then why make something out of nothing, if I try it and it feels right, then I wont have a problem telling them, my family is very open and I don't think they'll be too surprised. Well enough ranting, but any feedback you give would be great.
XOXO Honey Bii
So, I would like to ask your opinion. I am 26, I have my degree and have traveled the world. I have never been in a relationship before and I am starting to come out of my shell. I have a couple of friends who are lesbians and over the past couple of months I have been hanging with them a lot. I have even met other girls through them who I hang out with outside of my core group of friends. Anyways, I am attracted to women, I always have been, but I cant seem to put myself out there. There's this one girl who is really popular amongst the gay community and we have talked on and off a couple of times and I asked her is she wanted to go out and she eagerly agreed, that was a couple of weeks ago and we still have not gone out and I just cant seem to get it together. And I'll see all these attractive women and we may exchange eye contact but Ill never approach them. I guess I should say that I would be more of the dominant one. I don't like classifications but if I had to classify myself it would be a soft stud, but not a tennis shoe and t shirt type, I'm a chino pants, loafers, fedora and a Ralph Lauren rugby cardigan and some fly ass Ralph Lauren shades type of chic lol. Okay back to it, I feel like everyone here knows everybody and I'm a low-key person, completely drama free and I do not want anyone in my business, which is why I think I haven't gone out with this girl. And when I meet other women out, its at a popular gay club where I live and to me its just too messy. I don't know if I'm being to particular or over thinking the situation, and I want to make a move but something in me is holding me back and all of my friends are telling me to just go for it. I don't know what to do or what I'm afraid of...I also have not talked to my family or other friends about this other life I live and I'm a very honest person and so I feel like I live a double and I hate it. I feel like I'm keeping secrets, but at the same time since I have not done anything with a female, I feel like there's nothing to tell....I mean what if I don't like it and its not for me, then why make something out of nothing, if I try it and it feels right, then I wont have a problem telling them, my family is very open and I don't think they'll be too surprised. Well enough ranting, but any feedback you give would be great.
XOXO Honey Bii
Advice From Honey Bii,
Inbox Answers,
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Stud 4 Stud Indepth Interview Response
Here is a Bii-Liever that took to time to add a video response to my Stud 4 Stud interview with the Stud Slayer.
XOXO Honey Bii
XOXO Honey Bii
Honey Bii Interviews,
Inbox Answers,
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Education 101: Studs 4 Studs Indepth Interview
Here is an amazing interview with Stud Slayer. This is her personal experience with dating "Stud" women. Note her comparison to Gay men. Pay attention to the positive message that everyone can relate to.
XOXO Honey Bii
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Hair Cut= Freedom
This is a video clip of the moments after I had all of my hair cut off in Jan 2011.
XOXO Honey Bii
XOXO Honey Bii
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Inbox Questions from Bii-Lievers: From Bi to Lesbian
This was inspired from one of my Bii-Lievers. Here is our conversation.
Dear Honey Bii,
This is my situation. I've been actively bisexual for about 6 years now. As Ive said before, I see myself becoming lesbian...and if I do so, then I want to inform my family. Only a few know about my bisexuality, because I've always felt like what i do behind closed doors is my business. But I'm in a new relationship, and refuse to hide her. My father is very religious, and I'm not sure how he will feel, and honestly I don't care too much. I just would like some advice on how to just put everything out there..HELP ME HONEY!!
XOXO Honey Bii
Thank you so much for following my blog!
U are very much be honest I need your blogs lol..Im slowly making the transformation from bi to lesbian
Thanks babe! So ill be watching, taking notes, laughing and crying right along with u and your other followers..keep up the hard work!
This is my situation. I've been actively bisexual for about 6 years now. As Ive said before, I see myself becoming lesbian...and if I do so, then I want to inform my family. Only a few know about my bisexuality, because I've always felt like what i do behind closed doors is my business. But I'm in a new relationship, and refuse to hide her. My father is very religious, and I'm not sure how he will feel, and honestly I don't care too much. I just would like some advice on how to just put everything out there..HELP ME HONEY!!
XOXO Honey Bii
Advice From Honey Bii,
Inbox Answers,
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Typical Question: Have U Always Been Gay?
Advice From Honey Bii,
Pay It Forward
This one is so inspiring. It is a message for everyone to pay attention to. Share it with everyone that will listen.
XOXO Honey Bii
Advice From Honey Bii,
Inbox Answers,
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Inbox Questions from Bii-Lievers: Blessings
I'm writing because I hope you share this with your followers or even just Free Flowers who is doing the Honey Bii Experiment! I have decided that every day this month I want to be a blessing to someone in some sort of way. It can be through words, a compliment, change for a homeless person, an extra hug, a casual conversation with someone that looks stressed...some way, I want to purposefully be a blessing. I think we always want blessings and we want happiness but aren't willing to go out in the world and create those same things for others. It should be at the TOP of our to-do lists. We aren't living in this world alone. We feed off of everyone's energy in this big wide world we live in--why not create as much positive energy as possible?, I sent a message to someone everyone hated in HS and basically told her she was beautiful. I told her I saw favor in her life. And I told her I hoped I could build her up the way everyone wants to tear each other down nowadays. She was random. Someone I picked out of the hat. Tomorrow I will do the same thing, in a different way, with a different random person. At the end of my message I finished it with a scripture and I asked her to pay it forward. Be a blessing to someone else. I'm hoping to start a movement. I want this to be a part of who I am. I know I'm nice and I usually get along with everyone but I want this to be so much of a habit that it becomes what I breathe. Be a blessing in order to actually get a blessing. Pay it forward. Positive out, positive in.
I love you. I hope you share. This is a moment that HAS to take place. I'm sure your blog can be what catapults it to the highest of heights.
P.S. Be a blessing daily
Inbox Answers
This Is Why I Blog
This is exactly why I blog. Free_Flowers gets it. This is a follow-up video to a blog that I did explaining to a "Pillow Princess" how to work out some kinks that she has in her relationship. Free Flowers explained to me why she likes my blog. She captured the essence of me being a person first and being "Gay" doesn't define all of who I am.
Advice From Honey Bii,
Honey Bii Interviews,
Inbox Answers,
Inbox Questions from Bii-Lievers: Pillow Princess
Letter from Bii-Liever:
Hi Honey!!!
First let me say that I really enjoy your youtube channel and your blog! I have a question/need some advice! I am a female who recently started dating females. I've really only dated 3 women seriously. Most people would consider the woman I am dating right now a stud. We've been dating for about a month and a half. She is fresh out of a relationship and we've already discussed the fact that she is not ready to be in another one. I'm ok with how things are going right now, but am unsure how long it will last. (That's another story) We enjoy eachothers company and the sex is wonderful, but since I'm a "newbie" she has taken it upon herself to "do all of the work". She has never been with a man and has no interest in being penetrated, I toally respect that. However, she is into receiving oral pleasure....ok....I've never done!!! I have no idea where to start, porn isn't helping, I don't really have any one to ask. When I try to ask her she says "just do what I do to you, without sticking ur fingers or tongue in me"...ummmmmmmm what?
Help meeeeeee!
Hi Honey!!!
First let me say that I really enjoy your youtube channel and your blog! I have a question/need some advice! I am a female who recently started dating females. I've really only dated 3 women seriously. Most people would consider the woman I am dating right now a stud. We've been dating for about a month and a half. She is fresh out of a relationship and we've already discussed the fact that she is not ready to be in another one. I'm ok with how things are going right now, but am unsure how long it will last. (That's another story) We enjoy eachothers company and the sex is wonderful, but since I'm a "newbie" she has taken it upon herself to "do all of the work". She has never been with a man and has no interest in being penetrated, I toally respect that. However, she is into receiving oral pleasure....ok....I've never done!!! I have no idea where to start, porn isn't helping, I don't really have any one to ask. When I try to ask her she says "just do what I do to you, without sticking ur fingers or tongue in me"...ummmmmmmm what?
Help meeeeeee!
Advice From Honey Bii,
Inbox Answers,
Monday, April 11, 2011
She Go's To Gay Clubs
This is Renata's view on why she prefers to go to gay clubs. Enjoy.
XOXO Honey Bii
XOXO Honey Bii
Dear Honey B, Day 7
To Do List
Happy Happy Monday Honey Bii followers!!!!!! It’s Monday and I am so excited! I am seven days into the Honey Bii experiment and loving every single second of it. The biggest revelation thus far has been realizing that every little thing is “really” gonna be alright! Day 1 through Day 7 have coaxed my mind out of mild insanity (i.e. doing the same thing over and over yet expecting a different result) and reset my heart to accept change.
When I began this experiment I thought it was going to be late nights and early morning or partying like a FAWKING RoCKSTAR every night. But nope. Surprise! Honey Bii advised things like: make your bed, have a good day, skip to the mailbox, and read a poem. Little things that make everyday a little brighter. I know her advice will stay beyond 10 days and I am grateful to her for extending this level of care and concern.
In the spirit of Honey Bii I will share 10 “little” things that have brightened my day today.
1. I woke up this morning with a genuine smile
2. Last night I cried because my heart opened up
3. My family and I are in good health
4. I am employed
5. I love my job
6. My nails are polished and super cute
7. My friends are great
8. I’ll eat Five Guys for lunch
9. I’m wearing new shoes
10. Honey Bii cares about Me *tear
If your reading this and you want your day to be a little brighter I encourage you to write out ten little things and share them with the Honey Bii Comments Community!
P.S. #1, #2, and #3 done, done and done!
Honey Bii Experiment
Friday, April 8, 2011
Inbox Questions from Bii-Lievers: I Love Strippers
Here is an inbox question that I received from one of my Bii-Lievers.
Yo Honey Bii,
I need some advice... I'm and ready to settle down...but i dont think i would be happy yet?? Sometimes i just like being a h**(even tho im not f-ing any other females) i just like keeping my options open...a part of me would like to be with my gf..but i seeing other females i would like to f*** on sight.....and these girls are strippers..(lol) idk what it is.. I think i just need to f*** one..idk :/but i need some advice... k
XOXO Honey Bii
Yo Honey Bii,
I need some advice... I'm and ready to settle down...but i dont think i would be happy yet?? Sometimes i just like being a h**(even tho im not f-ing any other females) i just like keeping my options open...a part of me would like to be with my gf..but i seeing other females i would like to f*** on sight.....and these girls are strippers..(lol) idk what it is.. I think i just need to f*** one..idk :/but i need some advice... k
XOXO Honey Bii
Advice From Honey Bii,
Inbox Answers,
Dear Honey B, Day 6
Task List
We started out at a private event hosted by [insert ball player] at Le MEze and were quickly escorted to VIP. Once nestled in our dimly lit section, drinks were offered by an attentive waitress (seriously she did a great job). “I’ll have a Goose on the rocks with a lemon please”. Followed by a Patron shot no lime bytches!!! I started dancing and then it was like every song was my soooooooooooooong! How did the DJ know I don’t keep up with music so he need only play a mix of the top 10 and then anything from 1995 to like 2002 and I can sing along! THROUGOUT the night I found myself completely void of any inhibitions. At one point in the evening this conversation occurred…
Fast forward to the after hours spot and I’m drunk. Pull up to the club leave a couple hundreds at the door and enjoy enjoy enjoy. My only blunder the whole evening was this run in I had with an ice cube. The ice cube won as I landed flat on my ass with my legs crossed. How? I don’t flippin know. I don’t even remember getting up on my own. All I remember is being swooped up by two big men and I was back on my feet walkin-it-out! AAAAAAAAAAAaayeeeeeeee!!!! It was like it never happened except it did *tee hee.Me: [dancing dancing]
Random Dude: [grabs my ROCKSTAR waist] and says “You ma Queen, I own this!" [referencing my gluteus maximous]
Me: “You Don’t Own Shit!”
Random Dude: “Okay okay lets start over..”
Me: “Okay okay lets start never”!
Random Dude: “Why you being so difficult”
Me: [intense eye contact] “Cuz I’m a FAWKING ROCKSTAR!” [takes PATRON shot then poses for several pictures]
Breakfast was next, then several number exchanges, dates made and 40 minutes of sleep. #boom pow. My night was over and it was time to go to work.
All in all Honey B, this was an incredible night. I realized that having a ROCKSTAR night needs to be the rule and not the exception. Doing ROCKSTAR things wasn’t about letting myself go so much as it was about being myself. I FLIRT like a FAWKING RoCKSTAR cuz I’m a Gemini and this ish turns me on! I dance like a FAWKING RoCKSTAR cuz I don’t really care what anybody else thinks. I drink like a FAWKING RoCKSTAR cuz well have we met… My name is Free_Flowers!
It was great to be reminded of these facts! Here are a few more for those of you trying to keep up.
1. I drink ma GOOSE on the ROCKS and get fist bumps from ball playas
2. I ROCK a bald head beautifully
3. Big ROCKS and shiny things make me happy
4. I ROCK to my own beat in VIP
5. I like ma eggs over hard…FAWKING RoCKSTAR!
1. I wore panties
2. I didn’t fall at all
3. The paparazzi couldn’t find me
4. You da only one
5. The next day I did that ish again!
Honey Bii Experiment
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Education 101: Stereotypes
Who Opens the Door?: 5 Stereotypes to Dispel About Lesbians
Here are 5 common stereotypes that Lesbian women have to combat. The level with which these issues arise occur all too often. To qualify, this is not a sweeping generalization about heterosexual individuals. Nevertheless, these misconceptions are prevalent in our society today.
1: A Lesbian is a woman scorned.
Let us start off with golden rule number one. If you want to have a rapport with a confident Lesbian, dispel the idea that a man has caused her to feel this way. If you ask most Lesbians they will admit that they have had some sort of relationship with a man before coming into their sexuality. Often, these relationships have been healthy and affectionate. The idea that a man has somehow broken her heart is ridiculous. A man can never make you attracted to another woman. Either it’s in you or it’s not. Most of the relationships with men are simple validations that being with a man is not their desire.
2: There has to be one dominant and one submissive partner in the relationship.
Common terminology used in the Lesbian community is “Femme and Stud.” When using the terms you are referring to a feminine woman and the more masculine counterpart. A lot of Lesbian relationships do have these types of connections. However, not all have to in order to work. There are many femme Lesbians that date other femmes and visa versus. There does not have to be one submissive and one dominant partner. The roles can be equal. In my opinion when there has to be roles defined as such they are mimicking heterosexual norms.
3: Lesbians are highly promiscuous.
Media has played a major role in the modern depiction of Lesbian relationships. For example, there are countless pornographic cable channels that provide girl on girl movies. It is easier to be an open Lesbian than a homosexual man in our society. This creates an overly sensationalized view of Lesbians. For the most part these views cater to a male dominated audience. Most Lesbians are not like this. Most Lesbians are in committed monogamous relationships. Most Lesbians are happy with being discreet, conventional, and living tasteful lives.
4: Studs don’t wear make-up.
Many dominant women actually wear make-up. Just because their look is a little bit more masculine does not take away the fact that she is still a woman at the end of the day. Women enjoy make-up. A woman’s face is one of the most beautiful things that exist. Why not enhance it?
5: Studs want to turn straight women “out”.
This stereotype is mostly carried out by heterosexual women. There is often uneasiness or some level of discomfort that straight women have when around dominant Lesbians. Just like every man is not attracted to every woman that he sees, neither is every Lesbian that she sees. Being a Lesbian does not mean that you want to attract every woman in the room. Lastly, they don’t want to turn every woman they see into a Lesbian. There are plenty of homosexual women to date.
XOXO Honey Bii
Advice From Honey Bii,
Day 10 With Free Flowers
Daily Routine:
This is the last day of the experiment. WHOOP WHOOP.
- Wake up naked. She was instructed to sleep in the nude. The purpose is to feel free. I love sleeping in the nude.
- Make up your BED. It is probably the simplest thing that you can do productively start your day.
- PUT ON CLOTHES. Not just any old outfit. An outfit that you would wear if you knew that you were meeting someone important. The purpose of putting on clothes is to feel great.
- Look up a quote from Maya Angelou. Recite it.
- Be productive. Plan each day. Routine equals stability.
This is the last day of the experiment. WHOOP WHOOP.
- Research places in Chicago that you want to relocate to. This is so important. You need a stable environment when the fall comes.
- Today is going to be a highly reflective day. I want you to write out a post with all the things that you learned from doing this experiment. There is a deadline. I need this to be completed within the next 24 hours. I don't want you to lose the Honey Bii vibe just yet.
This has been an experiment that I hold precious to my heart. I thank you so very much for being a willing participant.
XOXO Honey Bii
Honey Bii Experiment
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Day 9 With Free Flowers
Daily Routine:
- Wake up naked. She was instructed to sleep in the nude. The purpose is to feel free. I love sleeping in the nude.
- Make up your BED. It is probably the simplest thing that you can do productively start your day.
- PUT ON CLOTHES. Not just any old outfit. An outfit that you would wear if you knew that you were meeting someone important. The purpose of putting on clothes is to feel great.
- Look up a quote from Maya Angelou. Recite it.
- Be productive. Plan each day. Routine equals stability.
DAY 9: Pack, Pack, Pack.
- That is all. You have 19 days to be out of your apartment.
XOXO Honey Bii
Honey Bii Experiment
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Dear Honey Bii, a rant

I'm moving in 20 days and I'm shitting bricks about it. What the hell! Why am I so resistant to change? Why does it feel like I'm about to explode?
I guess my question is ... Why do I have so much trouble "moving" on?
UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGHHHHHH Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeam!!!!!!!
Honey Bii Experiment
Inbox Questions from Bii-Lievers
This is an actual Dear Honey Bii letter:
Hey Bii! whats up with you? I was on the blog site and by the way I really love it. Glad you created it. The sex toys videos are crazy!!!! Well here is what I am going through with this woman. I have been messing with this chick since like September and it started ok we vibed in every way. The meat of it is that she tells me she wants to be with me and all that. She loves me but my problem is that I want to be all about her but she can't seem to leave this other bitch alone. I just don't know how to let this shit go with her. I get tired of her wanting to be around when she wants and steady telling me oh she(talking about the other girl) don't want me contacting you, yet still she calls me and all that. I know you probably think I'm stupid as hell, its just I love this girl for real. I didn't expect to fall for her but i did. I say to myself like why do you put yourself through this shit. She must care more about this chick than me because she cares about what she thinks, and what she sees and all that. I mean we got into it real bad because she said out her mouth everybody knows I have 2 bitches. What should I do Bii!........
While you are healing, listen to this cd.
XOXO Honey Bii
Hey Bii! whats up with you? I was on the blog site and by the way I really love it. Glad you created it. The sex toys videos are crazy!!!! Well here is what I am going through with this woman. I have been messing with this chick since like September and it started ok we vibed in every way. The meat of it is that she tells me she wants to be with me and all that. She loves me but my problem is that I want to be all about her but she can't seem to leave this other bitch alone. I just don't know how to let this shit go with her. I get tired of her wanting to be around when she wants and steady telling me oh she(talking about the other girl) don't want me contacting you, yet still she calls me and all that. I know you probably think I'm stupid as hell, its just I love this girl for real. I didn't expect to fall for her but i did. I say to myself like why do you put yourself through this shit. She must care more about this chick than me because she cares about what she thinks, and what she sees and all that. I mean we got into it real bad because she said out her mouth everybody knows I have 2 bitches. What should I do Bii!........
While you are healing, listen to this cd.
XOXO Honey Bii
Advice From Honey Bii,
Inbox Answers,
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